“Answered Prayers” — My Art Is Now on Anthropologie.com
In high school, I walked into Anthropologie for the first time and remember falling in love with its incredible window displays.
I was looking at sculptures and installations that seemed to belong in an art museum but instead were displayed behind mannequins and hung above a cash register. The store seemed to blend fine art with regular, everyday life in a way that I had never experienced before. And I was enamored.
I asked the manager that day whose job it was to make the store look so beautiful, and they told me about the creative team who worked on the displays.
Suddenly, my mind was opened to a kind of career that offered the chance to make a living while being creative. At that point in my teenage life, I didn’t know such a thing existed.
This brought me a new vision for my future, and a couple of years later, I went to college with the dream of working for Anthropologie on their window display team someday.
Along the way, however, as I learned about new ways I could apply my creativity to a future career, my ideas and visions for the future shifted. New and unexpected opportunities opened up for me, and I found myself as a graphic designer right out of college.
I never did end up working for Anthropologie.
But 12 years later, I’ve found myself working with Anthropologie.
As of January 2025, my artwork is officially for sale on their website.
How surreal and cool is that?!
You can now find a lovely framed print of my painting, Answered Prayers, in their selection of home décor. The fact that this piece is named “Answered Prayers” speaks to the funny and beautiful ways God is constantly ordering my steps and walking with me.
As a teenager, I dreamed of working for Anthropologie because I thought it might be the only way to make art for a living… and now I’m an artist, making art for a living and selling it through that same company.
A special thank you goes to Artfully Walls for helping make this cool moment happen. 💛
photo from anthropologie.com