The Color of June / 2023
June's Color of the Month is Sky Blue.
I could've told you at the very start of my Color of the Month project that June could only be represented by some kind of calming, cheerful, dreamy shade of blue.
Summer – specifically, the month of June – feels synonymous with shimmering bodies of water under big blue skies.
I even joked with my sister when I told her about June's color by saying, "June is a swimming pool in my mind. It has to be blue."
At the core of my favorite summer memories, you’ll find water and a blue sky involved.
As a kid, my sunny days alternated between playing in the creek down the street, running through the sprinkler in our yard for hours, or negotiating for snacks at the neighborhood pool's concession stand (after the glorious June day when it would open for the season).
When we moved to Florida, the highlight of my eight-year-old life was having a pool in our new backyard (which I persistently used, even in colder months), and we took countless trips to the beach.
All under the bright embrace of a blue sky.
As I held this color in my heart for the last few weeks, I’ve been appreciating the sky more than I think I ever have.
Pausing to pay closer attention, I've noticed an endless array of colors – and how the sky rotates through a broad spectrum of blues, no shade looks quite the same. It’s so beautiful.
Looking through my camera roll at photos from recent vacations, it even became apparent that I’ve always had a constant-yet-subconscious love for the sky.
Some of the best photos from these highlights share one thing in common – the backdrop of a giant blue sky.
My point?
The sky is something that’s always around, but I often forget to notice and enjoy it - to truly soak it in.
And when I stop to pay closer attention to it (even if only for a brief moment), the practice has been nothing but sweet – a calming and also spiritual moment.
As I look up at the sky and think about its unwavering presence in my life, I can't help but feel reminded that I’ve been created by a creative God – one who loves us enough to surround our lives with so much beauty as we go about our days... even though this beauty sometimes gets overlooked.
While we go about all of the best summer activities this June - the pool parties, the barbecues, and the trips to the beach - I hope we'll pause from time to time to intentionally enjoy the sky. To soak it in and enjoy the calming colors of blue.
May the sky offer a reminder that you and I are seen and loved by God.
Coquina Beach, Anna Maria Island
Jesús and I on our friend’s boat – Treasure Island, FL
Kealakekua Bay Cliffs, Hawai'i
Hāpuna Beach, Hawai'i
The Don CeSar – St. Pete, FL
The Getty, Los Angeles, CA
Pololu Valley, Hawai'i
Want some more Sky Blue inspiration? I made a moodboard for you on Pinterest! Click here to see it.