The Color of September / 2023

September’s Color of the Month is Canvas.

Canvas is a cozy ivory color that reminds me of soft cotton sheets, a breeze in the air, and the feeling of a fresh start.

I honestly struggled with this month’s selection quite a lot before finally landing on Canvas – and while I realize this pick may look more spring than fall, I can explain.

It occurred to me while brainstorming September’s color that I have historically felt very little fondness for September (I’m sorry to my Sept. lovers out there).

When I sat down to start this edition of our Color of the Month series, no color associations and minimal nostalgia came to mind for September.

I think a lot of this has to do with my home and upbringing taking place in Florida.

In such a warm climate, September has always felt like Summer Part 2 rather than a graceful transition into fall. And that's a bummer for many Floridians. The leaves aren’t changing, the air isn’t getting much cooler, and the residents have absolutely no need to wear cute sweaters (although some people are in denial).

I also think this has to do with the transition back to school after the summer.

From childhood to my college days, September usually got swept up and skipped over in the busyness of beginning a new phase of the year. Vacations ended, and it was time to settle into the next chapter of life – to find focus as we move on to the next thing.

Although these realizations seemed sad at first, I started to consider it all with a more positive perspective. I wondered, “What’s the best thing about this month overall? And how can that relate to a color?”

After asking that question, I looked down at my desk to see a fresh piece of raw canvas I had just cut for a new painting. With a hue that’s too warm to be white and too light to be tan, the canvas had such a comforting feeling. The shade felt welcoming and inviting, a blank slate asking to be made new.

Although September has never been my favorite month in the year, I suddenly realized that it’s been an essential month.

It provides us with a fresh canvas as we move into the year's remaining months. It’s a transitional moment in the calendar that allows us to pause, re-evaluate our vision, and settle in to focus on what's to come.

When we step into September, we exchange the adventures of summer with the comfort of home.

After I realized this, I could begin to see September with a lot more love.

As you and I begin this month, may we be filled with excitement, knowing that we can embrace this season as if it were a blank canvas.

September is calling us to begin or create something special – what should it be?


The Color of October / 2023


Photo Journal: An Artist’s Guide to Mexico City