Under the Shade of the Pecan Trees
Original Painting — SOLD
48” x 48” x 1.5”
Mixed media on raw canvas
Signed, titled, + dated on the back
On a long drive through a back road in Georgia, I watched the mid-afternoon sun cast intricate shadows through rows and rows of young pecan trees. We took a scenic detour to avoid heavy traffic on I75 and found ourselves in a beautiful farmland. I thought of this memory when naming this painting, staring into its earthy, shadowy marks.
I was full of emotion that day, having just evacuated our home from a hurricane. Thoughts of “what if” swirled through my head – similar to the swirling marks on this canvas – but I still felt a sense of peace. As I watched a beautiful landscape of pecan trees pass outside our car window, I felt embraced by God and reassured that we’d be okay despite all of life's uncertainty.